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Development History

Website Developer:

Xinyang Cheng

Tech Used:

ImprovedBuild a mobile template for changelog for mobile accessory.
FixedAdd the footer for the changelog page.
ImprovedRemove the `close` button for WeCom overlay. Now you can click anywhere to close it.
ImprovedReplace WeCom page with an overlay template showing up the QR code.
FixedReplace Discord contact with WeChat for the mobile template to avoid leading to 404.
ImprovedApply flip animations to all tech stack badges.
NewAdd a theme slider for the mobile template.
FixedRemove MayMyVisitors widget due to unknown shutdown from the external source.
FixedFix a logic issue on WeCom page to keep the theme up to date.
NewInitialize the changelog for the website that can be viewed by web users.
FixedReplace default 404 page generated by GitHub Pages with a custom 404 page.
ImprovedImprove the animation effects and the loading logic of the 404 page hidden features.
NewAdd theme button to allow users change page theme by themselves.
NewDesign and apply a custom 404 page for the website. [Secret Updates!]
FixedFix a theme autochanging logic issue.
NewDesign and apply a logo for the whole website.
ImprovedAdd refresh feature for the mobile navbar.
NewWeb users can refresh the page by clicking `Xinyang Cheng` on the navbar.
NewComplete the script for web light/dark mode. The theme automatically switches at 19:00 and 6:00 EST.
NewAdd the MapMyVisitors widget at the very bottom of the main page.
NewAdd a tech stack showing skills with their logos in badges.
NewApply a personal domain to the website.
ImprovedApply navbar-call-scrolling logic.
FixedModify sticky position for UI.
NewUpload downloadable resume. (update per month)
NewDesign an independent mobile template for the website.
NewDesign the initial animation of the main page.
NewBuild a basic structure for the web template.